I'm actually currently studying for something and SHOULD NOT be on reddit, but I needed a break, so this will be short.
A year and change ago, I had just gotten out of a bad relationship that I had broken off. I'm a driven person, and my work is what drives me. The relationship wasn't great, so I wasn't that torn up about having to end it. Several of my friends who don't know me that well assumed that I was super depressed, because I wasn't partying and going out as much as I normally do. In reality I just had a HUGE grant proposal to work on, which is a real pain in the ass and takes a lot of time.
The relationship I had been in wasn't serious, and it was only for a month-ish "unofficially" so it really wasn't a big deal. She's a weird one, so I was in the middle of introducing her to my extended friend circle when things broke off.
My friends came up with this whole plan of meeting me somewhere, and then not showing up. They in fact had set me up with a blind date, and called me right when I was outside the sushi joint. After getting angry, I figured what the hell, why not go in and share a meal with a stranger, what could happen, right?
Imagine my surprise, when the girl I had just broken up with was sitting there waiting for me.....
EDIT: Rest of the story is in this thread. At the time of writing, had to go feed the puppy and run errands, so split it up.